Jun Yan
Author of 28 CRAN packages
Jun Yan has completed over 28 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Jun Yan worked with over 66 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
28 Packages
- KMsurvData sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis
- aftgeeAccelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
- afttestModel Diagnostics for Accelerated Failure Time Models
- clusrankWilcoxon Rank Tests for Clustered Data
- cogaConvolution of Gamma Distributions
- copulaMultivariate Dependence with Copulas
- copulaDataData Sets for Copula Modeling
- daccDetection and Attribution Analysis of Climate Change
- dynsurvDynamic Models for Survival Data
- evaExtreme Value Analysis with Goodness-of-Fit Testing
- geepackGeneralized Estimating Equation Package
- intsurvIntegrative Survival Modeling
- ionetNetwork Analysis for Input-Output Tables
- jds.rmdR Markdown Templates for Journal of Data Science
- rampsBayesian Geostatistical Modeling with RAMPS
- redaRecurrent Event Data Analysis
- rrpackReduced-Rank Regression
- sgeeStagewise Generalized Estimating Equations
- smamStatistical Modeling of Animal Movements
- somSelf-Organizing Map
- spefSemiparametric Estimating Functions
- splines2Regression Spline Functions and Classes
- subsamplingOptimal Subsampling Methods for Statistical Models
- tlsTools of Total Least Squares in Error-in-Variables Models
- touchTools of Utilization and Cost in Healthcare
- tprTemporal Process Regression
- wdnetWeighted and Directed Networks
- xtableExport Tables to LaTeX or HTML
- Klein and Moeschberger
- Sy Han Chiou
- Sangwook Kang
- Woojung Bae
- Dongrak Choi
- Wenjie Wang
- Yujing Jiang
- Mei-Ling Ting Lee
- Chaoran Hu
- Vladimir Pozdnyakov
- Johanna G. Nešlehová
- Rebecca Morger
- Marius Hofert
- Martin Maechler
- Ivan Kojadinovic
- Edward W. Frees
- Kun Chen
- Yan Li
- Ming-Hui Chen
- Xiaojing Wang
- Brian Bader
- X. Zhang
- Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
- Søren Højsgaard
- Ulrich Halekoh
- Shiying Xiao
- Panpan Zhang
- Brian J Smith
- Mary Kathryn Cowles
- Sy Han (Steven) Chiou
- Haoda Fu
- Gregory Vaughan
- Qingkai Dong
- Qiang Zhang
- Yaqiong Yao
- Haiying Wang
- Yelie Yuan
- Tiandong Wang
- Uwe Ligges
- Claudio Agostinelli
- Ian Fellows
- David Scott
- Bernhard Pfaff
- Arni Magnusson
- Markus Loecher
- Jeff Laake
- Liviu Andronic
- David B. Dahl
- Arne Henningsen
- Matthieu Stigler
- David Mitchell
- Seth Falcon
- David Whiting
- Ajay Shah
- Martin Gubri
- Charles Roosen
- Jonathan Swinton
- Benno Puetz
- Claudius Loehnert
- Fernando da Rosa
- Guido Gay
- Guido Schulz
- John Walker
- Robert Castelo
- Stefan Edwards
- Sven Garbade